Although we may only dimly glimpse this hidden wound, perhaps in the grips of a sleepless night, depressive mood, or personal crisis, this specter incessantly haunts us. Fleeing this wound, we desperately throw ourselves into addictions of all sortsfrom sex, romance, and drags to wealth, power, and violencebuilding inauthentic lives that we know in our hearts are destined to crumble.
Child abuse and neglect, sexist and racist culture, and bonding to wounded caregivers are just some of the very many ways we receive the primal wounding.
However this wounding is inflicted, it is a break in the intricate web of relationships in which we live, move, and have our being. A fundamental trust and connection to the universe is betrayed, and we become strangers to ourselves and others, struggling for survival in a seemingly alien world. In psychological terms, our connection to our deeper Self is wounded. In religious and philosophical terms, it is our connection to Ultimate Reality, the Ground of Being, or the Divine that is broken. No matter how we elect to describe it, the fact remains that this wounding cuts us off from the deeper roots of our existence.